
Christian, Classical, University Model
Our understanding of education is rooted in the ancient wisdom of the classical and Christian traditions and fleshed out within the context of the University Model.
These streams of influence teach us that the well-educated person humbly submits to God and enters into adulthood through conversation with their ancestors – first the family, then the extended family of our Christian and human forebears.
By the grace of God, this path of submission allows us to dialogue with the greatest souls of the past and present which enables a remarkable transformation in the student. Simply put - our desire is to nourish the whole person on the most beautiful, true, and good things ever created by mankind.

Our Mission
Veritas takes a comprehensively Christian approach to the education of our children by teaching them to love God, ourselves, and neighbors in all circumstances.
Classical education emphasizes a respect (piety) for what has been passed down to us. Students are trained in the fundamental tools of all knowledge leading them to contemplate God through the study of philosophy and theology.

University Model
University-Model Schools® have two guiding concerns: to preserve and strengthen the God-ordained family relationships in which the Christian faith is most effectively fostered and to offer students the opportunity to acquire a high degree of academic achievement. A University-Model School is a parent-partnered, hybrid form of education. Depending on their age, students will attend class on campus two or three days per week.

The Verbal Arts: The Trivium
We are a community committed to writing beautiful words upon our hearts and wrestling with them. We emphasize learning grammar (in Latin, Greek, and English), training our students in formal and informal logic, reading and discussing great books, poetry, and historical sources to train up our minds in the art of rhetoric. All students are required to debate, argue, discuss, and learn these humane arts.

The Quadrivium: Arithmetic, Music, Geometry, Calculus
In addition to the transformation of the soul accomplished through words, the classical tradition emphasizes the importance of mathematical training, both through numbers (arithmetic) and shapes and their logic (geometry). Additionally, these static ideas must be put into time and movement, hence the importance placed on music and calculus/astronomy in our curriculum. Starting with our youngest students, we train our students not just to “plug in numbers”, but to understand what is happening on a deep level through our use of Singapore math.
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