Shakespeare Club

Purpose: Shakespeare Club is a wonderful opportunity for Veritas students to learn and enjoy, at a deep, experiential level, a play written by the master Bard, the greatest writer of the English language. The students each receive a part in the play and learn their lines (and usually many others) over the course of the year, living and breathing Shakespeare's own words.  Shakespeare's humor and pathos, his deep truths and extraordinary wonder and beauty inhabit the students as they act out a full play over the course of the year. Students will learn the arts of drama and public speaking and will get to be a part of putting together a live in-theater production.

Character Formation: The students learn the virtue of courage as they act onstage and work to project their voice beyond their comfort level. They also develop a joy in beautiful language, and imitate God in his creative, reasoning, and precise use of language and the word. They taste and feel and act with words far beyond their normal use, and the beauty of these words works its way into their hearts through the repetition of learning one play throughout the year.


BBQ Club


Yearbook Club